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    7月1日 SBEmu 公告


    帖子数 : 5
    注册日期 : 10-07-12

    7月1日 SBEmu 公告 Empty 7月1日 SBEmu 公告

    帖子 由 acrolasie 周一 七月 12, 2010 2:32 pm

    We are pleased to bring you the July 2010 State of the Bane address!

    July 1st, 2009
    Most of you will remember, Shadowbane officially closed on July 1st, 2009. Though the Shadowbane Emulator project was in existence prior to this date, this is when efforts truly started to take off. One year later we're still hard at work, but we remain as committed as ever to bringing Shadowbane back for everyone to enjoy. Over the past year we have made significant progress as a result of the sacrifices so many individuals have been willing to make. This project is fortunate to have such dedicated team members and an outstanding community whose support has been key in our success so far.

    On that note, the Shadowbane Emulator Team would like to thank the entire community for *** this possible. Without a community as enthusiastic as this one the project would never have made it this far, and we really appreciate it!

    相信大家都还记得, 2009年7月1日魔剑正式关闭了. 但是SBEmu早在这之前就已经开始运行了. 即使一年之后的今天我们还没有完成, 但是我们还在努力地把魔剑带回来给大家. 经过一年的努力我们已经有了重大的突破, 这与很多人的牺牲分不开的. 我们很荣幸的拥有许多优秀的成员和支持者, 这是我们走到现在的关键.

    Server Development
    Large amounts of progress have been made this past month in terms of server development. The most exciting work has been in the area of powers, where Rich has been slaving away to get one of the most important systems in Shadowbane working. At this time a substantial chunk of the powers have been completed, including both weapon and spell powers. Several examples include sprint, travel stance, some stuns, bleeds, damage over time spells, buffs, debuffs, and combat stances. General work on combat has been going on in conjunction with the power work, and so advancements have been made in that area as well. Below you will find a screenshot taken by Dreamsicle of several powers in action on the effects bar, specifically buffs and debuffs.

    服务器方面我们取得了很多成功. 最重要的是在角色能力方面, Rich在这上面花了很大功夫. 到现在为止, 包括武器和咒语, 大部分角色能力的系统已经完成了. 比如加速, 旅行姿势, 晕,流血,伤害,加持减持, 以及战斗姿势. 战斗系统和能力系统有很多共通点, 所以战斗系统也取得了很大成功. 下面这幅图尼可以看到一些能力, 加持和减持.

    As usual, even more formulas have been implemented this past month, below is a partial list of formulas implemented and

    working at present:

    按照惯例, 下面是我们已经加入到系统里的公式列表

    Movement Speeds 移动速度
    Race and class movement modifiers 种族和性别动作
    Running skill movement modifier 跑步技能移动
    Base Stats 基础属性
    Modified Stats 更改后属性
    Attack Rating 攻击等级
    Defense 防御等级
    Damage 伤害
    Pre-promotion Health/Mana/Stamina 基础生命/魔力/体力
    Health/Mana/Stamina regen rates 基础生命/魔力/体力回复
    Available Stat Points 可用属性点
    Unused Stat Points 未使用属性点
    Base Skill Percentages 基础技能
    Modified Base Skill Percentages 更改后技能
    Base Effective Skill Percentages 基础可用技能
    Modified Effective Skill Percentages 更改后可用技能
    Stamina Costs - Combat 体力消耗(战斗)
    Weapon Damage 武器伤害
    Attack Rating vs. Defense 攻击等级vs. 防御等级

    In other development news, Claymore has continued major work on server infrastructure and re-organization, an extremely important part of preparing the server for the upcoming preview. Eighty has also been working on item management, a continuation of his work on bank and vault functionality last month. Things are really begin to shape up and we're quite happy with the progress over the past month.

    至于其他的发展, Claymore继续在服务器基础组件和重组上努力. 这是确保接下来的公测成功的基础. Eighty则还在完善物品管理, 比如说银行和仓库系统.

    The list of systems remaining to be implemented is growing ever shorter, several of the big ones being non-player characters, mob AI, city placement and management, mines, and siege mechanics. We hope this gives everyone a rough idea of where the team is at and what to expect in the future!

    接下来我们要做的又, AI, 城市放置和管理, 矿, 围城. 这样你们大概知道我们接下来的努力方向.

    The design team is balancing their time between placing mobs and addressing building placement issues reported by the testing team. These individuals, as well as the developers and testers, have all been doing an outstanding job handling such daunting tasks. KonradKnox, Aerumna, Daymar, Ganked, and Dyson have put in countless hours placing mobs and truly are an asset to the project.


    Another area that the design team has spent some time on is refining and verifying formulas. Arkanis has been at work on the post promotion health formula, and Daymar has been concentrating on the melee and spell damage formulas. This assists the developers and helps ensure that the proper formulas are in place.


    With the initial implementation of powers, the testing team has started to assist in testing powers as they are implemented and help the developers catch any issues with them. They have already brought a number of bugs to the attention of the development team, which has helped to streamline the development process and keep SBEmu true to the Shadowbane that we all remember.

    测试小组还在努力的把系统里的Bug找出来, 这样子我们才可以确保把原汁原味的魔剑带回来给大家.

    Along with powers the testing team has also been taking a look at combat and flight, reporting any issues that they find with them. Many potential issues with powers can be caused by flight and other combat systems, so this goes hand-in-hand with their power testing.

    除了能力系统, 测试小组也在测试战斗系统, 因为很多能力系统的潜在问题都是由战斗系统引发的.

    For the time being we will be retiring the character optimization contest as we will be exploring other contest ideas. Several options on the table include a SBEmu wallpaper contest (as suggested by Daymar in response to a forum topic), a promotional video contest (closer to launch), and possibly a group building contest as suggested by several community members. The team will be preoccupied with other matters for the foreseeable future, but we intend to provide more contests at some point, both for the betterment of the community and to assist in spreading the word about the Shadowbane Emulator project.

    由于我们在考虑其他的竞赛方案, 角色设计竞赛会暂停. 我们暂有的方案是, SBEmu壁纸竞赛, 和一个推广视频竞赛, 可能还会有一个小组建筑物竞赛. 虽然我们很忙, 但是我们希望让大家都可以参与到SBEmu的发展里面来.

    Public Test Event
    On Monday, July 12th, barring any major disruptions we will be opening the servers for a brief public preview event. This event will have several restrictions, which I will discuss at length in a moment, but is primarily intended to help us prepare for a large and more elaborate event in the near future. As people are aware, the next public preview will focus on PvP combat, so properly functioning powers are crucial to the event's success. This public test will help us work out any initial kinks before we have a full-fledged PvP event.

    7月12号, 星期一, 我们会开放服务器做一次公测. 我会在之后再详细讨论. 你们应该已经知道下一次公测会注重在PvP上. 所以一个运作正常的能力系统很重要.

    Due to the fact that not all powers are being implemented, the July 12th test will be limited to level ten characters. While this does significantly limit the scope of the test, it will help the team to fix any basic bugs in the way combat works and already implemented powers. Furthermore, it will allow Rich to concentrate on just the level 1-10 powers (as well as basic ones, such as sprint and travel stance) so that all powers within that level range should be functional for the test. Ideally this will allow for a more enjoyable experience, everyone should have the powers they remember at level ten.

    由于不是所有的能力都已经开始运作, 7月12号的测试会限制在10级的角色. 同时Rich可以有时间专注在1到10级的能力上. (当然也包括一些基础能力, 比如加速跑和旅行姿势)

    As the event draws closer we will announce additional information, so please check back here for additional updates!

    Public Preview Two
    After July 12th we will be able to give a more solid estimate of when this will be, but it's safe to say that's it will be coming up relatively soon. It will largely depend on how the public test goes, but the rate at which powers can be completed is also an extremely important factor. We're committed to *** the second public preview as enjoyable of an experience as it can be, which has meant being rather cautious about scheduling it. Again, we'll keep you posted so keep an eye out for an announcement sometime after July 12th.

    公测 2

    7月12号之后我们才有办法给大家一个准确一点的预期, 应该不会太远了. 那要看第一次公测作得怎么样, 同时还有能力系统完成到哪个地步. 我们希望第二次公测会是一个愉快的体验, 所以我们不想匆匆忙忙的定下日子. 请你们继续关注7月12号之后的通知.

      目前的日期/时间是周一 五月 20, 2024 12:17 am